POS_GF0906 - the positions to gf0906
Author: Torsten Linders
Date: 7 June 2010
Cleaning up
clear close all fclose('all');
lastf=1236; lat_=zeros(lastf,1); lon_=zeros(lastf,1); dist_=zeros(lastf,1); depth_=zeros(lastf,3);
Data files
The array i_ contain the indices of the casts with data files.
dir='C:\Users\torsten\Gf0906\MSS\epsi_5dm_torsten\'; i_=[3:29 31:100 102:106 155:161 163:257 259:413 418:lastf]; for i=i_
if i<10 filename=[dir 'epsi000' num2str(i) '.tob']; elseif i<100 filename=[dir 'epsi00' num2str(i) '.tob']; elseif i<1000 filename=[dir 'epsi0' num2str(i) '.tob']; else filename=[dir 'epsi' num2str(i) '.tob']; end fid=fopen(filename);
Text scanning
First we scan to the line where the positions are found.
row1_9=textscan(fid,'%640c',1); row10=textscan(fid,'%50c',1); fclose(fid); row10=cell2mat(row10);
Then we scan to find the longitude and latitude.
if i<352 hour=textscan(row10(7:end),'%f'); hour=cell2mat(hour); if hour<10 lat=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(30:end),'%f'); else lat=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(30:end),'%f'); end lat=cell2mat(lat); lon=cell2mat(lon); else hour=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); hour=cell2mat(hour); if hour<10 lat=textscan(row10(28:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(39:end),'%f'); else lat=textscan(row10(28:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(39:end),'%f'); end lat=cell2mat(lat); lon=cell2mat(lon); lat_int=floor(lat); lat_deg=floor(lat_int/100); lat_dec1=(lat_int/100-lat_deg); lat_dec2=lat-lat_int; lat=lat_deg+lat_dec1*10/6+lat_dec2/100*10/6; lon_int=floor(lon); lon_deg=floor(lon_int/100); lon_dec1=(lon_int/100-lon_deg); lon_dec2=lon-lon_int; lon=lon_deg+lon_dec1*10/6+lon_dec2/100*10/6; end lat_(i)=lat; lon_(i)=lon;
Manual positions
The array j_ contains the indices of the casts where the file header has no position and the positions therefore are taken from the array pos_man. In most of these cases the positions are availiable in the cruise log book, taken from an external GPS. In a few cases interpolations between availiable positions have made. The manually inserted positions are given in pos_gf0906_man.
j_=[101 107:154 162]; pos_gf0906_man for i=j_ lat_(i)=pos_man(i,1); lon_(i)=pos_man(i,2); end
Distance and depth
The horizontal distance, from the reference position, along the transect across the sillis found by calling the function distdepth_gf0906. The same function also gives the depths (of three parrallell transects)
for i=1:lastf [dist_c(i),depth_c(i,:)]=distdepth_gf0906(lon_(i)); end
save latlon lat_ lon_ dist_c depth_c
Blue dots are positions from the data file headers. Red dots are manually filled positions.
fig=figure(2000); set(fig,'Position',[1 1 900 900]); subplot(2,2,1) plot(i_,lat_(i_),'.',... j_,lat_(j_),'.r') xlabel('Cast number') ylabel('Latitude (^oN)') grid on subplot(2,2,4) plot(lon_(i_),i_,'.',... lon_(j_),j_,'.r') xlabel('Longitude (^oE)') ylabel('Cast number') grid on subplot(2,2,2) plot(lon_(i_),lat_(i_),'.',... lon_(j_),lat_(j_),'.r') xlabel('Longitude (^oE)') ylabel('Latitude (^oN)') grid on subplot(2,2,3) plot(dist_c(i_)/1000,i_,'.',... dist_c(j_)/1000,j_,'.r') xlabel('Along track horizontal distance (km)') ylabel('Cast number') grid on