Torsten Linders, torsten@oceansurface.se, September 13, 2011
Identifies and plots the time and the positions from MSS, the ship and TIMOS. Defines the legs for each platform.
Cleaning up
clear close all fclose('all');
Reading MSS data from tob-files
dir='../epsi_5dm_torsten/'; last_file=1236; lat_=zeros(last_file,1); lon_=zeros(last_file,1); dist_=zeros(last_file,1); depth_=zeros(last_file,3); i_=[3:29 31:100 102:106 155:161 163:257 259:413 418:last_file]; for i=i_ if i<10 filename=[dir 'epsi000' num2str(i) '.tob']; elseif i<100 filename=[dir 'epsi00' num2str(i) '.tob']; elseif i<1000 filename=[dir 'epsi0' num2str(i) '.tob']; else filename=[dir 'epsi' num2str(i) '.tob']; end fid=fopen(filename); row1_9=textscan(fid,'%640c',1); row10=textscan(fid,'%50c',1); fclose(fid); row10=cell2mat(row10); if i<352 hour=textscan(row10(7:end),'%f'); hour=cell2mat(hour); if hour<10 mi=textscan(row10(9:end),'%f'); sec=textscan(row10(12:end),'%f'); halfday=textscan(row10(15),'%c'); lat=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(30:end),'%f'); else mi=textscan(row10(10:end),'%f'); sec=textscan(row10(13:end),'%f'); halfday=textscan(row10(16),'%c'); lat=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(30:end),'%f'); end halfday=cell2mat(halfday); if halfday=='P' && hour<12 hour=hour+12; elseif halfday=='A' && hour==12 hour=0; end lat=cell2mat(lat); lon=cell2mat(lon); else hour=textscan(row10(18:end),'%f'); hour=cell2mat(hour); mi=textscan(row10(21:end),'%f'); sec=textscan(row10(24:25),'%f'); if hour<10 lat=textscan(row10(28:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(39:end),'%f'); else lat=textscan(row10(28:end),'%f'); lon=textscan(row10(39:end),'%f'); end lat=cell2mat(lat); lon=cell2mat(lon); lat_int=floor(lat); lat_deg=floor(lat_int/100); lat_dec1=(lat_int/100-lat_deg); lat_dec2=lat-lat_int; lat=lat_deg+lat_dec1*10/6+lat_dec2/100*10/6; lon_int=floor(lon); lon_deg=floor(lon_int/100); lon_dec1=(lon_int/100-lon_deg); lon_dec2=lon-lon_int; lon=lon_deg+lon_dec1*10/6+lon_dec2/100*10/6; end mi=cell2mat(mi); sec=cell2mat(sec); time=(hour*3600+mi*60+sec)/86400; if i<188 june_day=10; elseif i<340 june_day=11; elseif i<418 june_day=12; elseif i<643 june_day=13; elseif i<819 june_day=14; elseif i<1062 june_day=15; else june_day=16; end lastofmay=31+28+31+30+31; julian=lastofmay+june_day+time; julian_(i)=julian; lat_(i)=lat; lon_(i)=lon; end
Filling missing MSS data
The missing data are added by the following help scrpts: fill_julianTOB.m and fill_posTOB.m
fill_julianTOB fill_posTOB j_=[101 107:154 162 418]; for i=j_ hour=time_man(i,1)-2; mi=time_man(i,2); sec=0; time=(hour*3600+mi*60+sec)/86400; if i<188 june_day=10; elseif i<340 june_day=11; elseif i<418 june_day=12; elseif i<643 june_day=13; elseif i<819 june_day=14; elseif i<1062 june_day=15; else june_day=16; end julian=lastofmay+june_day+time; julian_(i)=julian; if i<418 lat_(i)=pos_man(i,1); lon_(i)=pos_man(i,2); end end
Loading ship data from mat-file
load mat/gf09_LTA ADCP
Loading TIMOS data from mat-file
Length of data
Data from all timoscasts should be merged into new variables. Here we define the indices in new variables for the first (castfirst) and the last (castlast) data from respective cast. The total length of the data (ldata) is also defined.
timoscasts=1:7; castfirst=zeros(1,length(timoscasts)); castlast=zeros(1,length(timoscasts)); ldata=0; for cast=timoscasts castfirst(cast)=ldata+1; file=['../TIMOS_GUFI09_ADCP_data/TIMOS_GUFI09_ADCP_' num2str(cast) '.mat']; load(file) ldata=ldata+length(t); castlast(cast)=ldata; end
Merging data
Here we merge data from different mat-files, representing different casts with TIMOS, into single variables.
tchristian=zeros(1,ldata); dayofjune=zeros(1,ldata); time=zeros(3,ldata); for cast=timoscasts file=['../TIMOS_GUFI09_ADCP_data/TIMOS_GUFI09_ADCP_' num2str(cast) '.mat']; load(file) tchristian(castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=t; file=['../TIMOS_GUFI09_ADCP_data/ADCP_600kHz_cast0' num2str(cast+2) '.mat']; load(file) dayofjune(castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=SerDay; if SerDay>13 SerHour=SerHour-2; end time(1,castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=SerHour; time(2,castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=SerMin; time(3,castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=SerSec; lat(castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=AnFLatDeg; lon(castfirst(cast):castlast(cast))=AnFLonDeg; end
tmss=julian_; tship=ADCP.tUTC'+1+30/86400; lastofmay=31+28+31+30+31; ttimos=lastofmay+dayofjune+time(1,:)/24+time(2,:)/1440+time(3,:)/86400; lastofdec=floor(tchristian(1))-floor(ttimos(1)); tchristian=tchristian-lastofdec; ttioms=tchristian;
latmss=lat_; lonmss=lon_; lattimos=lat; lontimos=lon; latship=ADCP.Lat; lonship=ADCP.Lon; for i=6621:6989 lonship(i)=interp1_alt(ttimos,lontimos,tship(i)); latship(i)=interp1_alt(ttimos,lattimos,tship(i)); end lattrack = [58.2626;58.2641;58.2643;58.2638;58.2607;58.2598;58.2599;58.2608;... 58.2617;58.2624;58.2674;58.2695;58.2708;58.2731;58.3003]; lontrack = [11.3976;11.4099;11.4139;11.4172;11.4281;11.4329;11.4360;11.4470;... 11.4555;11.4589;11.4742;11.4799;11.4827;11.4863;11.5251]; [distmss,depthmss]=distdepth_gf0906(lonmss); [distship,depthship]=distdepth_gf0906(lonship); [disttimos,depthtimos]=distdepth_gf0906(lontimos); dirship=(sign(diff(distship))); dirtimos=(sign(diff(disttimos)));
This section defines the legs. A leg is an along fjord transection defined by lattrack and lontrack. The first time index of each leg is defined for the three platforms (MSS, the ship and TIMOS). These indices are put in the three arrays filmss, filship and filtimos. The last time index of each leg, for each platform, is put in the three arrays filmss, filship and filtimos.
The legs of the MSS data, which have the least number of data points (casts), are defined manually. The criteria are that the ship should be in a constant direction and that the speed between the casts should not be approximately constant. For many legs the last cast is identical to the first cast in the next leg. The array dirlegs contains values indicating which direction the leg has, +1 for into the fjord and -1 for out of the fjord.
filmss=[340 352 381 418 451 483 511 542 575 606 ... 637 665 698 819 860 902 942 978 1020 1059 ... 1093 1138 1172]; lilmss=[351 381 413 451 483 511 541 575 606 636 ... 665 698 734 860 902 942 978 1020 1059 1093 ... 1138 1172 1217 ]; imssbad=[496 626]; imssnl=735:818; nlegs=length(filmss); dirlegs=[1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1];
The Ship
The criteria for the legs of the ship data are that they should cover the same time as the MSS legs and that ship should have the same direction as the MSS leg.
for leg=1:nlegs i=1; while tship(i)<tmss(filmss(leg)) || isnan(tship(i)) i=i+1; end while dirship(i)~=dirlegs(leg) i=i+1; end filship(leg)=i-1; while tship(i)<tmss(lilmss(leg)) i=i+1; end while dirship(i+1)~=dirlegs(leg) i=i-1; end lilship(leg)=i; end
The criteria for the legs of the TIMOS are the same as the criteria for the legs of the ship. There are no TIMOS data during the first leg.
filtimos=nan; liltimos=nan; for leg=2:nlegs i=1; while ttimos(i)<tmss(filmss(leg)) || isnan(ttimos(i)) i=i+1; end while dirtimos(i)~=dirlegs(leg) i=i+1; end filtimos(leg)=i-1; while ttimos(i)<tmss(lilmss(leg)) i=i+1; end while dirtimos(i+1)~=dirlegs(leg) i=i-1; end liltimos(leg)=i; end
save timeposlegs tmss tship ttimos lonmss lonship lontimos ... distmss distship disttimos depthmss depthship depthtimos dirlegs nlegs ... filmss lilmss imssbad imssnl filship lilship filtimos liltimos ... timoscasts castfirst castlast
fig=figure(100); set(fig,'Position',[1 1 900 900]); plot(tship,distship/1000,'r.') hold on plot(ttimos,disttimos/1000,'g.') plot(tmss,distmss/1000,'bo') hold off for june=10:16 text(lastofmay+june+0.3,9.5,['June ' num2str(june)]) end xlabel('Julian Days') ylabel('Distance (km)') xlim([161 168]) grid on legend('The ship','TIMOS','MSS',3)
fig=figure(102); set(fig,'Position',[1 1 1200 1000]); for leg=1:nlegs subplot(4,6,leg) imss=filmss(leg):lilmss(leg); for ibad=imssbad imss=imss(find(imss~=ibad)); end iship=filship(leg):lilship(leg); if leg>1 itimos=filtimos(leg):liltimos(leg); end plot(distship(iship)/1000,tship(iship),'-r.') hold on if leg>1 plot(disttimos(itimos)/1000,ttimos(itimos),'-g.') end plot(distmss(imss)/1000,tmss(imss),'-bo') hold off if leg>1 y0=min([tmss(imss) tship(iship) ttimos(itimos)]); y1=max([tmss(imss) tship(iship) ttimos(itimos)]); else y0=min([tmss(imss) tship(iship)]); y1=max([tmss(imss) tship(iship)]); end ylim([y0 y1]) xlim([0 10]) title(['Leg: ' num2str(leg)]) grid on end subplot(4,6,24) plot(3:5,'-r.') hold on plot(2:4,'-g.') plot(1:3,'-bo') hold off ylim([1 8]) set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]) legend('The ship','TIMOS','MSS')
fig=figure(101); set(fig,'Position',[1 1 900 900]); plot(lonship,latship,'r.') hold on plot(lontimos,lattimos,'g.') plot(lonmss,latmss,'bo') plot(lontrack,lattrack,'-m*') hold off xlim([11.39 11.58]) ylim([58.245 58.355]) xlabel('Longitude (^oE)') ylabel('Latitude (^oN)') grid on legend('The ship','TIMOS','MSS','Track points',2)